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Pancake Breakfast and Burrito Sales

The council typically schedules 8 monthly Pancake & Burrito breakfasts or Burrito Sales on the first weekend of the month during the year - consecutively from September through May. We are thankful to be able to say that there are other councils interested in following our lead with our innovative Burrito Sales program.


There are several objectives for the Pancake Breakfast and Burrito Sales. Each breakfast’s or sale’s net proceeds are designated to benefit our Church, a particular charitable organization, community, family or individual. In addition, the breakfasts build community within the parish. Finally, while all of our activities are opportunities for fraternal bonding, each breakfast or sale provides an opportunity to further strengthen fraternal bonds by serving the community, and there are frequently families who help put on a breakfast.


Funding is from net proceeds from the sale of burritos or pancake breakfasts. The community may also donate above and beyond the nominal fee for the breakfast or burritos. We receive some donated food to help defray costs and thus increase our charitable giving.

Funds dispersal

Typically 50% - 90% of the proceeds are distributed to the named beneficiary for a particular event. The percentage depends on the budgeted donation to the event’s named beneficiary, the amount of sales and any donations received. We donate to named beneficiaries as quickly as possible after a given event.

Any net proceeds above those to be distributed to a named beneficiary are considered excess funds to be used for other charitable donations for which there are no specific fundraisers.

Expenses for materials purchased by designated members are reimbursed.

Recurring Beneficiaries

These are organizations that we strive to support through one event per year:

Other Beneficiaries

This is a partial list of those that have been supported at least once in the past:

Our Generous Patrons

Thanks to the reliable generosity of St Joan of Arc parishioners and visitors our Burrito Sales continue to be very successful. We look forward to starting up the Pancake Breakfasts once again in the fall of 2021.

Net proceeds above and beyond a particular events goal for donation allow us to add some funds to reserves for future unplanned donations or fund shortfalls for other donation goals. 

2021 Giving

June 5th and 6th netted enough to donate $1000 to Sts Peter & Paul School for their East Campus Development project transforming their aged and deteriorating parking lot playground into a safe recreational facility for the students.

May 1st and 2nd netted enough to donate over $1000 to Catholic Charities Pro-life mission for the purchase of diapers. We were also able to provide free Burritos, Mother's Day cards, and flower seed packets to 150 mothers.

2019 Ultrasound Initiative

The Pancake Breakfast & Burrito Sales and donation drive for the Knights of Columbus Ultrasound Initiative was extremely successful. Because of the community’s generosity and the generosity of other nearby parish communities along with the KofC Supreme Council’s pledge to fund half of an ultrasound, the council’s efforts helped to enable the purchase of a high-end ultrasound to be placed in a clinic to help pregnant women and their unborn children. In addition, once it is installed and operational, the council has pledged a donation toward maintenance of the equipment.